english speaking tax advisor in Frankfurt
You are new in Germany and need an english speaking tax advisor?
taxmain is a fluently english speaking tax consulting firm in Frankfurt (Main). We are happy to help you.
It does not matter where you come from. We are working with clients from the abovementioned countries and successfull communicate with these clients in English.
Our services for employees (Angestellte/nichtselbständige Arbeit)
- Income tax declaration (Einkommensteuererklärung)
- inheritance and presents tax declaration (Erbschaft- und Schenkungsteuererklärung)
- Declaration to determine the property tax value (Feststellungserklärung zur Ermittlung des Grundsteuerwerts)
- and other tax consulting services for private persons
Our services for small business
- consulting on business plans (for example for application of Gründungszuschuss to Arbeitsamt)
- monthly or quarterly bookkeeping service incl. advance VAT-returns
- monthly payroll accounting
- year end financial statements in German GAAP
- yearly tax declarations (income tax, trade tax, VAT)
- regular analyticals of figures (for example for banks)
- as member of DATEV, we have the access to different figures and statistics about the industry, for example which figures do the competitors in your city have in avarage in comparission to your company
Our services for companies (subsidiaries of foreign groups)
- monthly or quarterly bookkeeping service incl. advance VAT-returns
- monthly payroll accounting
- year end financial statements in German GAAP
- yearly tax declarations (income tax, trade tax, VAT)
- regular analyticals of figures (for example for banks)
- as member of DATEV, we have the access to different figures and statistics about the industry, for example which figures do the competitors in your city have in avarage in comparission to your company
- tax consulting on investments within the firm and outside of the firm
- tax consulting for M & A purposes
- we also offer audit services, for example the audit of financial statements or reporting packages for group purposes. Of course then we cannot provide you with bookkeeping service and preparation of financial statements due to independence. If you are interested in our audit services, please visit our websites about the audit of financial stements or the limited review of financial statements and feel free to contact us for answers on further questions.
contact us!
For contacts, please see our main page: Boris Voskoboynik and Daniel Leitzen