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eng­lish speak­ing tax advi­sor in Frankfurt

You are new in Ger­many and need an eng­lish speak­ing tax advisor?
tax­main is a flu­ent­ly eng­lish speak­ing tax con­sult­ing firm in Frank­furt (Main). We are hap­py to help you.
english speaking tax advisor in Frankfurt

It does not mat­ter where you come from. We are work­ing with clients from the above­men­tioned coun­tries and suc­cess­full com­mu­ni­cate with these clients in English.

Our ser­vices for employ­ees (Angestellte/nichtselbständige Arbeit)
  • Income tax dec­la­ra­tion (Einkom­men­steuer­erk­lärung)
  • inher­i­tance and presents tax dec­la­ra­tion (Erb­schaft- und Schenkungsteuererklärung)
  • Dec­la­ra­tion to deter­mine the prop­er­ty tax val­ue (Fest­stel­lungserk­lärung zur Ermit­tlung des Grundsteuerwerts)
  • and oth­er tax con­sult­ing ser­vices for pri­vate persons
Our ser­vices for small business
Our ser­vices for com­pa­nies (sub­sidiaries of for­eign groups)
con­tact us!

For con­tacts, please see our main page: Boris Voskoboynik and Daniel Leitzen

english speaking tax advisor
english speaking tax consultant